Mid-December Musings

"Ocean of Starlight" © Michael GambinoMid-December now, and the daylight continues to diminish each day until we reach the turning point of the winter solstice. The dark of the natural world may feel heavy now, but it holds a potent energy that stirs in our hearts. This is the Season of Light and in the dark even the smallest light shines with a strength that is directly connected to the Source, the Creator. The world of man is full of a growing darkness now, and much of that darkness is evil, yet it does not hold dominion over the world. Now more than ever we need to shine our light everywhere and at all times to the best of our ability. The day after the solstice is not noticibly brighter. It takes time for the hours of daylight to increase. Winter illuminates the power of hope. Hope, in its most potent definition, is a declaration of faith rather than casual, wishful thinking. It is a knowing sense that the Creator will bring what your soul desires to fruition.
In this coming year, may we all receive the grace of the Creator and be filled with peace, love, joy, and a purpose beyond self.
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