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Moving at the Speed of Life

Well I have been busy with the healing and recovery process so have not had much energy to devote to actually typing up new posts. Lots of ideas in my head for the future though, so stay tuned. As for the moment,  I'm  posting this brief one and including some photos I had taken this past February. They do not necessarily have anything to do with one another. Sorry.

Observing the pace of the world as I await my strength to return,  I find I am moving at the speed of life that favors healing. That means SLOWLY. The crazy pace of modern life that has many of us scurrying like rats in a maze is so detrimental to true health. Many find it exhilarating, but many just try to keep pace and keep from being trampled.  Lily Tomlin has a quote that brings this issue home in her characteristically comic and observant style: "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."

Just a thought. Enjoy the wintery photos! (click thumbnail to enlarge)

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