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There was snow on the first day of Spring. The salt truck grumbled and beeped a warning as it dispensed a rattle of crystal troops to combat the latest invasion of crystals from the sky. Winter seems quite reluctant to let go and Spring a bit lazy about asserting itself. Posts to this website have been equally long in coming. I have been chipping away at several pieces of writing, but none are quite ready yet. Also, I confess, I have found it nearly impossible to write inspiring and lovely words in the face of the dire, catastrophic situation in Japan, and the turmoil of revolutionary battle in the Middle-East. Anything I wrote seemed to glare back at me from the page with a disapproving eye. So I backed away from the use of force with respect to writing, and attended to other things.

Since persistence is key to any worthy endeavor, I am back here staring at the computer screen, cursor blinking impatiently on the page. For me, writing is a journey. Though not unpleasant, it is no easy thing to take up this journey led only by the whisper of spirit and the compass of my heart. To face failure, frustration, and inadequacy, and not abandon the quest requires courage as much as persistence. Not exactly the courage of facing combat and bullets, or the courage of battling the menace of a nuclear reactor meltdown. When we speak of courage, though, we must be careful not to compare or judge too harshly. Courage is courage, and it all comes from the same place – our spirit.

Reader Comments (2)

Your writing is beautiful and you certainly do have courage. Everyone seems to be in the
same frame of mind, waiting restlessly for spring to really arrive in all its beauty.


May 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoan G.


Through reading your gifted poetic prose, I definitely relate to your thoughts & spirit. Courage, like love, commonly has it's best expression when the mission or relationship is most challenged.
Thaks for your inspiring work,


May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFenn Esser

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