Feathers for Finches

Observing the finch family outside our door is an exciting event. Every day something observable has taken place, and every two or three days, the photos show how fast these nestlings are developing. In another week or so they may be in full feather and ready to start trying them out for flight, not just for insulation. As this photos taken this afternoon shows, the finches feathers are longer, fuller, and show the familiar coloring of a House Finch.
(Click image to enlarge)Also, the copious amount of excrement that adorns the nest and beyond attest to healthy appetites and growing bodies. The birds don't poop in their nest, but to the outside of it once they are big enough to do so. Initially, the mother removes the droppings from the nest, as well as the egg shells.
Soon the birds won't all fit in in the nest, so I expect the fledge attempts to begin between May 17th and 20th. With any luck, I'll get photos of this event.
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